Jacquie Carota


Jacquie earned her Associate of Science degree at the New England Institute of Art and her Bachelor’s through Simmons University l. As the Academic Administrator for the Computational Systems Biology (CSB) and the Microbiology PhD degree programs, she ensures both operate smoothly and efficiently in a manner consistent with program and institute policies, NIH training grant requirements, and program goals. Jacquie is heavily involved in recruitment and admissions for these two interdisciplinary programs (which total roughly 80 students per year), and she helps students navigate MIT’s resources and ensures they meet all program requirements. She also administers the T32 NIH Training Grant that CSB has held for the past 15 years, and coordinates spending for both programs. Finally, she acts as a resource for faculty, staff, and her administrative counterparts in other departments and served as co-chair of the Graduate Administrator’s Round table from 2014 to 2018. In 2016, she earned the School of Science Infinite Mile Award. As of October 2018, Jacquie was appointed to serve as a notary public in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Jacquie can be reached by email at: csbphd (at) mit (dot) edu