Student: Peter Freese Lab: Burge Title: “Biochemical and Functional Characterization of Human RNA Binding Proteins” RNA not only shuttles information between DNA and proteins but also carries out many other essential cellular functions controlled by approximately one thousand RNA binding proteins (RBPs). In this thesis, I describe the affinity landscapes of the largest set of human…
Student: Vincent Xue Lab: Keating Title: Modeling and Designing Bcl-2 Family Protein Interactions Using High-Throughput Interaction Data Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play a major role in cellular function, mediating signal processing, and regulating enzymatic activity. Given the importance of protein interactions in the cell, understanding how proteins interact is essential for prediction of new binding partners,…
CSB PhD Candidate: Miriam Shiffman Faculty Advisor: Tamara Broderick & Aviv Regev Committee members: Stefanie Jegelka, Allon Klein, Ashia Wilson Date: Tuesday January 16, 2024 Time: 12:00 PM EST Thesis title: Uncertainty & robustness for single-cell studies: Could dropping a few cells change the takeaways from differential expression? Abstract: The advent of new technologies capable…
PhD Candidate: Michael Murphy Research Advisors: Prof. Ernest Fraenkel, Prof. Stefanie Jegelka Date: Monday, Oct 23, 2023 Time: 11 AM-12 PM Room: 68-180 Title: Machine Learning Methods for High Throughput Biological Data Abstract: Machine learning is becoming a pivotal tool in the analysis of datasets generated from high-throughput biological omics experiments. However, omics data introduces distinctive algorithmic challenges…
Ph.D. Candidate: Mirae Parker Lab: Prof. Gene-Wei Li Date and Time: Thursday, October 19, 2023, 1:45-2:45 PM Format: Hybrid Location:68-180 Title: New Tools for Measuring and Analyzing Bacterial Gene-Expression Dynamics Abstract: Messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are essential targets of gene regulation. The cell adapts and grows by changing its gene-expression profile, which it can achieve by manipulating the rates of…
Ph.D. Candidate: Matty Allan Lab: Prof. Mark Bathe Date and Time: Wednesday, August 9, 2023, 11 AM Format: Hybrid Location: 56-154 Title: Investigating and Reprogramming RNA Folding with Molecular Probes Abstract: Ribonucleic acid (RNA) performs versatile, essential functions in all known organisms and viruses. These functions require the RNA to fold into specific secondary and tertiary structures, and in many…
Ph.D. Candidate: Susana Hawken Lab: Prof. Richard Young Date and Time: Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 1 pm Format: Hybrid Location: Whitehead Auditorium Title: Linking Biomolecular Condensates to Disease and Therapeutic Development Abstract: The cell is compartmentalized into membrane-bound and membraneless organelles that organize and regulate key cellular functions. Over the past decade, growing evidence supports the notion that membraneless…
Ph.D. Candidate: Alexander Wu Advisor: Prof. Bonnie Berger (MATH, EECS) Title: Towards causality in gene regulatory network inference Abstract: Understanding the coordination of biomolecules that underlies gene regulation is key to gaining mechanistic insights into cellular functions, phenotypes, and diseases. Advances in single-cell technologies promise to unveil mechanisms of gene regulation at unprecedented resolution by enabling measurements of…
The Computational and Systems Biology PhD Program is proud to announce the following CSB Thesis Defense: Natasha Patel-Murray Fraenkel Lab Date: Friday, May 17th Time: 11am – 12pm Location: 16-220 Title: Understanding Neurodegenerative Disease-Relevant Molecular Effects of Perturbagens Using a Multi-Omics Approach Abstract: The complex cellular pathways implicated in neurodegenerative diseases are not fully understood. Chemical and…
CSB PhD Candidate: Sameed Siddiqui Faculty Advisors: Prof. Pardis Sabeti &…
CSB PhD Candidate: Miriam Shiffman Faculty Advisor: Tamara Broderick &…